Posts Tagged ‘MH370’

Bad Weather Holds Up Search For MH370
Bad Weather Holds Up Search For MH370 Adverse weather has caused a delay of up to eight weeks in the Indian Ocean search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, pushing the hunt well beyond an expected finish date of mid-201...

Poor Weather Delays Search For MH370
Poor Weather Delays Search For MH370 Rough seas and strong winds have delayed the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean, prolonging the search until August, investigators said. The search had been schedu...

Possible MH370 Debris In Australia For Testing
Possible MH370 Debris In Australia For Testing Debris found earlier this month off the southeast African coast which some believe could be from Malaysia Airlines MH370 has arrived in Australia for testing. A white chunk ...

South African Teen Finds Suspected Piece Of MH370
South African Teen Finds Suspected Piece Of MH370 A South African teenager has found debris which will be sent to Australia for testing as part of the investigation into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370. Liam...

Australia To Test Debris Found Off Mozambique
Australia To Test Debris Found Off Mozambique A piece of debris found off the southeast African coast that could be from Malaysia Airlines MH370 is being sent to Australia for testing. The piece of white metal was found off the...

Mozambique Plane Debris Believed To Be From 777
Mozambique Plane Debris Believed To Be From 777 Debris believed to be part of a Boeing 777 has been found off Mozambique and will be taken to Australia to be examined by investigators involved in the search for missing flight M...